About Me

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I am a bipolar alcoholic trying to get my life into perspective. I am also a musicaholic and lover of art and poetry, which is much healthier. This blog is my own journey of recovery and self help... I am a musician and songwriter, budding artist and mystic amongst other things.


Today I have gone through every kind of emotion... from anger to melancholy, self loathing to numbness, I am tired.

There is no point in being hard on myself, like I have been today. It serves no purpose other than sending me into a downwards spiral.

Tomorrow is a new day.

I think I might sleep well tonight... without any 'little helpers'.

That is a good thing.

Tomorrow I can begin again.

The sun will rise and herald another blessed day.



C.L said...

Alcohol always aggravates my moods. I also found when the docs prescribed me Xanax (alprazolam), it aggravated my moods. I hope you have a good night's rest and come back to us this weekend revived and refreshed!

Meg said...

Thanks Terra. You are absolutely right. Every time I have a big night on the booze you can almost guarantee I'll spend a good part of the following day in tears. It really is a no no for me, or anyone that suffers with a mood disorder of any kind. One of my major hassles is that most of the prescription meds I have been prescribed also cause mood problems, sleep disturbances... have hurled me into dangerous manic episodes, killed my sex drive among other things. I am considering seeing a doctor to try something different but am so frightened of what reactions I'll have. I just want some stability... but it always seems to come at such a horrible price. Maybe there is still some combination of meds that will work for me. I hope so. I cycle so fast that I just can't function. I'm living in this great little town where I could make a lot of money, and can't get settled because of all this madness. Anyway... gotta try to stay optimistic.