About Me

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I am a bipolar alcoholic trying to get my life into perspective. I am also a musicaholic and lover of art and poetry, which is much healthier. This blog is my own journey of recovery and self help... I am a musician and songwriter, budding artist and mystic amongst other things.


This post is not going to be quite a sinister as it's title might suggest. I wrote only a few days a go about exploring "Second Life".
About the darkness of virtual worlds. Well I have a confession to make. There is one virtual world that I am more than a little bit obsessed with.
This world is called "Oblivion; The Elder Scrolls iv." A video game.
I originally bought it a couple of years ago for my xbox360. I played this game for over a year before the freaking xbox died. I was devastated. I had just made it to the ranks of Arch Mage. Bugger! I f***ing love this game.
Anyway, it has been almost a year since that happened, but just a day or two ago I invested in the pc version of the game. I am so damned happy that I can slip away into this virtual world of magic and adventure once more. And being a pc game I can add all manner of cool modifications to the game.
So if I'm a bit a quiet here, rest assured, I am ok.
I've just been swallowed by the fiery jaws of "Oblivion". :-)


Bradley said...

I've never wished anyone good luck and have fun for walking into Oblivion before, but have fun!

I was once a SL junkie. It can be a lot of fun or horrible. Whatever one chooses to make of it. I finally got so obsessed though that I had to back away for awhile.

Again, have fun if you choose to stay there.

You know what? Have fun in whatever you do! :-)

Meg said...

:-) Thanks! Yep, having fun is the key. :-) Very exciting Oblivion news, I have joined the dark brotherhood to become an assassin.
LOL. It is fun, as long as I keep it in perspective, which sometimes doesn't happen... hmmm. Anyhooo, it is a nice escape from the expectations of the 'real' world. SL is a bit scary for me... 'real' ppl hang out there. Some guy walked me through and showed me 'what is possible' in SL. WOW!!! OMG!!! (Shocked and stunned to say the least!) Pretty full on! I can see how folks become addicted, I went hang gliding while I was looking around, went jet skiing too, went to a night club event, climbed the harbour bridge...plus much more! Amazing.