About Me

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I am a bipolar alcoholic trying to get my life into perspective. I am also a musicaholic and lover of art and poetry, which is much healthier. This blog is my own journey of recovery and self help... I am a musician and songwriter, budding artist and mystic amongst other things.

Second Something Weird...

I just went exploring for the first time in Second Life, as my internet provider offers free time there... no data usage on my account. Cool. So I had a look. It reminds me of a site I used to go to a long time ago called where everyone was some kind of creature, like sort of walking talking cats and dogs and dragons and stuff... although the technology is much groovier now. I can see why people get hooked on these sites... it is endless, but pretty boring really. Well, not boring, just not very interesting to me... something dark about virtual worlds. I'd rather escape into a good book.

I am enjoying my new computer that I have just finished paying off... I had to upgrade as my old machine was about ten or more years old and was just not coping with all my 'stuff'. It is lovely and fast and the screen is big and wide and bright... and my eyes are hurting a bit as I have spent quite a few hours setting it all up and playing a bit.

I feel kind of neutral today... a bit flat, but o.k. My partner wasn't in a very good mood tonight, so I guess I've picked up on that a bit. He went to bed early, and I really do look forward to his company when he gets home from work.

So I'm just kinda wasting time right now. Waiting for that sleepiness to start making my eyes feel heavy... must install my graphics programs so I can do some drawing.

What a boring post this is! anyway, that's all for today.
